
Academy Jumpstart Package

The Academy Jumpstart Package is designed to get your online Academy off to a flying start.

In short - we use all our experience of helping over 8500 Academies across the world set up your Academy and ensure that your students get the most professional experience from day 1.

What does the package include?

Stage 1: On-boarding

Our experienced team will communicate with you to ensure that we have all the basic information to allow us to begin building your Academy.

This will include information about your Academy and courses that you want to deliver, their format, your target audience etc. We will also gather technical information required to seamlessly integrate your Academy into your website.

We will also begin collecting detailed information about your first course.

Stage 2: Academy Build

In this stage we will build your Academy that will house all your future courses.

We will:

  • Set up your Academy with global settings customised to your requirements.
  • Set up your user profiles and adding you in as admin users.
  • Integrate and test Paypal and Stripe payment gateways.
  • Update the overall look and feel of the Academy to match your website.
  • Add your high resolution logo and favicons.
  • Build a professional Academy home page including any information (text, images, Youtube videos etc) that you provide.
  • Integrate your Academy into your website as a sub-domain of your existing domain.
  • Integrate your academy with your Google Analytics account so that you get full analytics data from day 1.
  • Integrate your academy with your Facebook Pixel so that you can track and convert traffic from Facebook and optimise your Ad campaigns.
  • Integrate your Academy with Google Search console ensuring that your Courses are not only listed on the search engine but allowing you to track actual performance.
  • Build pages such as Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions etc (Content to be fully provided by you)
  • Build and submit SEO optimised sitemap to Google.

Stage 3: Course Build

Here we will build your first course exactly as per your requirements. We will take your proposed lesson plan and create a detailed project plan that will include:

  • Creating the Course Preface page.
  • Creating the lesson outline - sub-divided into modular groups if necessary.
  • Uploading of all media into lessons. We will guide you as to the correct formats and tools to use while producing these. You can simply upload all your final, fully edited media into GDrive or DropBox and we will do the rest.
  • Setup of exams and quizzes into lessons - we will configure all passing criteria along with pass/fail notifications, we will check that each exam works correctly and automatic assessments are performed as expected.
  • Setup of individual lesson timers if required - configure the system to ensure that students meet minimum time compliance if necessary.
  • Setup lesson discussion areas to enable public and/or private discussions as required.
  • Detailed scheduling of lessons. Depending upon your requirements we will ensure that each lesson is scheduled to be delivered to students based on time interval / exam results/ student actions.
  • Configure course completion criteria so that the system can detect that a student has comleted the course.
  • Create completion certificate - we will upload a certificate design of your choice and configure it to be automatically emailed to students on completion of course.
  • Configure course availability - you may wish to restrict access to the course to a certain time period or a certain number of days aftger course is complete.

Stage 4: Course Packaging

  • Configure custom social media settings for your course to allow students to effortlessly share details of your course with their social circles. We wil set this up for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • Add in trainers to the course and ensure trainer profiles are configured correctly.
  • Upload a high resolution course image and banner .
  • Configure and customise automated notifications - eg. Welcome emails, email to be sent when a lesson becomes available, course completion, exam pass/fail, certificate available etc.
  • Configure and customise status pages - eg. what to show when students access an expired course.
  • Add students to a mailing list when they join and/or when they complete a course. You can choose to use the inbuilt YesCourse mailing lists or we can integrate your Academy to a number of external providers including MailChimp, Aweber, ActiveCampaign, GetResponse, MailerLite and InfusionSoft.

Stage 5: Course Pricing and offers

We will:

  • Setup the base pricing of your Course in the currencies that you choose.
  • Setup regional pricing - the system can automatically show different prices/currencies for diffrent countries if you choose to.
  • Setup upto three special offers - time limited discount coupons to allow you to launch your course effectively.
  • Setup instalment / subscription components to your offers.
  • Configure Trainer revenue share - the system can allocate a share of each course sale to your Trainers and even pay it out automatically if desired.

Stage 6: Course Promotion setup

We will:

  • Build an attractive sales page for your course - you simply need to provide the copy.
  • Add in promotional video with a delayed revealed offer if required.
  • Configure the sales page and place automated registration buttons allowing your students to easily register into the course.
  • Thoroughly test out the entire purchase flow from sales page right into the first lesson.
  • Ensure that Facebook and Google pixels are activated for your page allowing you to optimise ads leading into the page.
  • Setup and configure your Affiliate program, allowing you to invite affiliates to promote your courses.

Stage 7: Publish and launch

We will:

  • Perform a final systems check and tie up any loose ends
  • Publish the course allowing students to begin registering.
  • Provide you with a set of links that you can send out to your list, place on social media or add to your Ads.
  • Ensure that Google is notified of the new course so that it can then add it to its index.

Stage 8: Post publish

For a period of one month, we will:

  • Monitor your sales page and other public facing pages of your Academy to confirm that students are able to access them without problem.
  • Track student progress through your course to confirm that scheduling, exams, timers etc are all working are expected.
  • Observe payment activity via payment gateways to detect any technical issues.

So basically we will hold your hand through every step of the way!

What do you need to provide?

You will simply need to provide:

  • Lesson plan,
  • Course content, and
  • Sales copy

Whom does all the data and student information belong to?

  • All content in your Academy and data of students registered to your Academy belongs to YOU.
  • You hold all copyrights to the data (and are responsible for all copyright issues).

When do I get paid after a student registers?

  • All payments received from students via your Academy are transferred directly from the student into your Paypal/Stripe account.
  • You are solely responsible for collection / payment of all taxes related your course sales. Course prices should be set to include all taxes.

$4997 USD